
    1. I didn’t realize you’ve met and spoken with him. I assume that’s how you came to that conclusion. Because we all know, from what we learn every Sunday, ‘judge not lest ye be judged’.

  1. Yes, for about two months til a new one is elected.

    I have a question for you Trumpers out there. So Menedez was charged based on evidence collected. He was given due process in a court of law. He was found guilty by a Manhattan jury. No one is calling it a travesty. No one is impugning the judge. No one is saying the the DOJ is weaponized. So why is it when Trump breaks the law, gets charged based on evidence, and gets convicted by a Manhattan jury that it is somehow different? I very much look forward to an answer. I don’t think there is one, but I look forward to the desperate spinning.

      1. Well that’s my fault. I did say I look forward to the spinning. That wasn’t an answer. If you would like to answer honestly, I would appreciate it. If you don’t want to, or can’t, answer honestly, I understand.
        I’ve read the transcripts, both cases were presented well by the prosecutors. Both followed strictly rules of procedure, jury selection, etc. And using your ‘logic’, if a court in NYC would convict Trump of ‘picking his nose’ (something he does with such frequency and without consequence that it blows a hole in your theory), then they would conversely acquit someone like Menendez. I don’t know why I’m trying to reason with you. My apologies.
        Anyway, if you’ve read the charges in both cases and how the proceedings were conducted, please answer my question genuinely and with honesty.

      1. Both held in Manhattan. Both with Manhattan juries.
        Again, I’m looking for an honest explanation. Whether it was state court or federal court is not an honest explanation. If anything it invalidates the whole, “Biden weaponized the DOJ!” Because, as Mr Creamer points out, Trump was convicted in state court, not federal. Maybe Biden weaponized the DOJ against Menendez. Or, maybe Menedez, like Trump, broke the law and paid the price.

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