
  1. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, by the gender content of these letters. Aren’t we supposed to not refer to people as “HE & SHE? Are the words, She, her, girls, women, etc. acceptable language in this enlightened day and age? (Deleted by Editor.) I’ll say it again, “I’m shocked.

    1. Maybe stick to the nonsensical, hate filled rants and leave the attempts at comedy to someone else. You don’t really have a knack for it.

        1. Oh I’m sure it was ‘the best’ part. But since your ‘comedy’ falls into two categories, racist or misogynistic, it makes it very easy for us readers to connect the simplistic dots. Picking up a book on basic joke structure might help. Or maybe *gasp* looking for some new material.

          1. Yes, I am good at “hate filled rants” (remember, there’s a time for hate and a time for love – Eccl. 3).
            But as I said, the best part of my post was deleted. So it’s not my fault that it wasn’t funny. If you want to take someone to task, try the editor. I still say though that it was hilareous. you Sir, have no sense of human.

      1. Haha. Nice try. I’m not offended by his racism or misogyny, I’m offended by his abuse of the nature of comedy.

        Besides, I ain’t the one banning books or freaking out over a drag show. Project much?

  2. Not sure how I feel about a sitting councilwoman endorsing a candidate running against another sitting councilwoman. It can only cause dissension between Jodi and Maria if Jodi wins. Just my thoughts.

    1. Not sure how you feel about it? That’s odd. It literally happens every election cycle. Sometimes it’s the mayor endorsing the challenger, sometimes a sitting council person endorsing the challenger. It happens at the county, state, and federal level too. Do you not know how to feel about a sitting senator endorsing another senator, or a presidential candidate?

      You’d think by now you’d know how to feel about it. It’s just basic party politics. Been going on since the dawn of democracy.

      1. How so?
        I tell you what, I’ll make this easy on you. Name one election cycle, just one, either local, statewide, or national, where a sitting council person, state representative, member of congress, or the president himself, DID NOT endorse, campaign with, or otherwise support a candidate from their party.
        Literally name just one.
        Now I’ll make it even easier on you, you won’t be able to.
        It’s just politics. Graham ****** for Trump. Shumer ****** for Harris. Walsifer ******* for Kinney. Rondinaro ****** for Robinson.

        (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

    2. Are you also saying that a sitting U.S. congressman should not endorse a candidate running against other sitting U.S. congressman because it might be awkward if the sitting U.S. congressman retains his seat? Weird.

      1. That’s what Joe D is saying, yes. He’s pretending, I guess is the right word, that it doesn’t happen. But it’s as common as seagull poop in the summer and worth about as much.

  3. Go Johanna!
    Imagine that, a person running for council that has actually lived here for more than 10 minutes. She has my vote.

    1. Jodi has lived in Belmar for over 30 years and owns her own business in town. Why don’t you get your facts straight before commenting?

      1. You are rounding up by quite a bit there. Closer to 20 years is more accurate. While I believe Mrs Roper-Robinson has resided here three times that amount of time.
        Either way, it looks like the commenter never even mentioned Mrs Kinney. They could have been referring to the many candidates over the years who just blew into town.
        Why so defensive?

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