Foxes DO NOT kill full grown housecats. It’s a myth. There are over 300 videos on YouTube with direct fox/cat interactions and not a single one results in the predation of a cat. In fact in most of those videos the cat gets the best of the fox.
Foxes are scavengers however, and a roadkill cat was probably seen in the jaws of a fox on more than one occasion leading to this urban legend that foxes prey on cats.
Our cats interact peacefully with the local foxes at my girlfriend’s home in the center of the county often. Many nights when letting the cats in after midnight, they are lying on the back deck waiting with the fox(es) just yards away drinking out of their water dish.
P.S.- More facts for all the city transplants and North Jersey know-it-all gentry who have recently moved here spreading disinformation; Deer are actually omnivores and will eat baby birds from nests in bushes, and baby rabbits if they come across them in the grass while grazing. FACTS, not feelings. I know Joy Behar and the Far Left idiots on “The View” will spout the myth that humans are meant to be vegetarians and not eat meat and if they only realized that we could stop global warming by reducing cow farts, and that eating bugs is the best way to go while Zuckerburg raises cattle for meat on Kauai, but that too is a lie. Do your research; Break out of your programming and stop spreading disinformation. It gets old having to correct the same people here about the same myths over and over.
P.P.S.- Do you recall that “conspiracy theory” about the global sex slave network with heads of state and billionaires involved? Well, just this week an interview on the PBD Podcast with a woman who was sold into it by her mother when she was SIX YEARS OLD and wrote a tell all book dropped the names of David Rockefeller, Pierre Trudeau, Jacob Rothschild, and a former Prime Minister of Belgium as being pedophiles and/or using her to run “honey traps” on politicians, dignitaries, royalty, captains of industry, etc. YUP! That happened!
While they keep you distracted with what Trump said taken out of context this week, The Far Left that is controlled by The Deep State more than any global cabal in existence will try to sweep the global sex trade/pedophilia network under the rug before the ones still living are exposed as well.
Until the Clintons are dead, the Obamas stop pulling the strings, and Pelosi and Schumer are in the hole too, I’ll never vote for another Democrat above the local level. By this summer, most of you will want to leave the Democrat Party as I did several years ago when more of the “unveiling” and “revealing” from this Great Awakening accelerates. Well, maybe you’ll still be arguing about foxes eating cats after hearing Whoopi Goldberg saying it happens.
Since you mentioned Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein’s relationship to Israeli Intelligence parallels David Rockefeller’s work with the O.S.S. in World War II. Those two knew how to manipulate entire political systems through blackmail and control with what they respectively learned from being around those organizations and also enjoyed indulging themselves with the poor female victims they cultivated. They all had a “list” just like Diddy had. It’s only a matter of time before more comes out. Hollywood and the music industry which have donated much, much more to Democrat campaigns than Republican throughout the past few decades are horribly corrupt, compromised, and complicit and the chickens are finally coming home to roost for these once shining American industries. They have very little luster left as you already know, and others who have been in the dark for far too long are finally finding out. The Far Left has infiltrated and tried to control all the once great institutions in America, or simply tried to weaken or dismantle them. The military, the university system, The Fourth Estate, law enforcement organizations including the FBI, ICE, and the DHS are just a few. They’ve ruefully tried to make sexuality, pronouns, and race institutions and failed miserably at that and are now wondering why they got such a butt-kicking in the last election. Including locally here where the flaming liberal who was in charge of the Roper-Robinson Campaign in Belmar is probably still wondering why they didn’t get a “Trump bump” in their vote count to put them “over the top” in what was supposed to be a “close race” according to them. Only an NDE or an Ayahuasca Ritual will ever bring folks like that out of their hivemind fog. It’s sad really as Johanna is a great person who could have ran her own campaign and done so much better as an Independent removed from the drama of the self-proclaimed movers and shakers of the Belmar Democrats attempting to virtue signal to the majority of us awakened, working class, locally swing voting folks from their high and mighty perches over on Inlet Terrace. We’re wiser, we’re more united, wholly more informed, and we’ll decide every damn election in this town going forward regardless of what is taking place on the national front. Somehow they didn’t learn that from the 2022 sweep of the Republicans who tried the same weak play. That makes their loss this year even more pathetic than simply 400 plus votes!
No Tom. I’m a seeker and more specifically a researcher. I seek out the subject matter experts and that’s how I gather the facts. I know that me being correct probably hurts your ego as you can’t escape your conditioned views and feelings because they go against the “tribe” you belong to. This is the “programming” I referred to. Thanks for emphasizing it with an immediate example in your sarcastic reply.
If you did the research I do four to six hours a day, you too would live a more enlightened life where you’re not afraid and have the confidence to use your last name on a local blog. π Once again, on the entire Internet, there isn’t one single video of a full grown housecat getting killed by a fox.
That’s pretty compelling considering all the wildlife videographers in the world, fox experts, and folks with smartphone cameras worldwide. Your triggered one sentence response is even more compelling. LOL!
Have a rotten 2025. I mean that respectfully as folks like yourself deserve it. Why? Because you’ll manifest it, but you’ll blame it on someone else instead of facing the facts and making the necessary changes and improving on your existence of being out of touch and misinformed; Much like the Far Left branch of the National Democrat Machine is now doing. π
Happy ******* New Year Tomnonymous!
No Tom. I’m a man with one pension, one part-time job for benefits, my own business, and two other positions I volunteer at. Luckily I researched investments through subject matter experts as well so I only have to work three days a week and can pursue my true passion which is writing and researching.
Not only are you the baby, because you hide behind your anonymity, you’re ignorant and presumptuous because you haven’t done any research on me before trying to insult me.
Once again, just go away. You’re embarrassing yourself again with your lack of facts and resorting to weak insults with no basis in truth because you’re obviously not a truthful individual. Actually, I guess you truly aren’t embarrassing yourself because you’re still anonymous . π
What’s worse, a “keyboard baby” or a keyboard coward? C’mon, even you may be bright enough to know the answer to that one Tomnonymous. π
(I’m at 700 Main Street most weekday afternoons if any real men here ever want to come by and introduce themselves; I’m also in the furthest chair back towards the left corner of the room at practically every Belmar Mayor and Council Meeting if a neutral site is your preference, or 10am until 11:30am lecturing every Sunday at the Belmar Public Library on Particle Physics, Quantum Theory, The Schumann Resonance, and The Unified Field if you prefer a quieter place.)
FYI Foxes eat birds, rabbits, mice, and small domestic pets. Sorry but they do.
That’s correct Joe D.
I donβt understand the Fox ad and the comment
Foxes have been sighted on North Blvd near the lake.
What does the fox say?
He/She says lend me your cat.
Foxes DO NOT kill full grown housecats. It’s a myth. There are over 300 videos on YouTube with direct fox/cat interactions and not a single one results in the predation of a cat. In fact in most of those videos the cat gets the best of the fox.
Foxes are scavengers however, and a roadkill cat was probably seen in the jaws of a fox on more than one occasion leading to this urban legend that foxes prey on cats.
Our cats interact peacefully with the local foxes at my girlfriend’s home in the center of the county often. Many nights when letting the cats in after midnight, they are lying on the back deck waiting with the fox(es) just yards away drinking out of their water dish.
P.S.- More facts for all the city transplants and North Jersey know-it-all gentry who have recently moved here spreading disinformation; Deer are actually omnivores and will eat baby birds from nests in bushes, and baby rabbits if they come across them in the grass while grazing. FACTS, not feelings. I know Joy Behar and the Far Left idiots on “The View” will spout the myth that humans are meant to be vegetarians and not eat meat and if they only realized that we could stop global warming by reducing cow farts, and that eating bugs is the best way to go while Zuckerburg raises cattle for meat on Kauai, but that too is a lie. Do your research; Break out of your programming and stop spreading disinformation. It gets old having to correct the same people here about the same myths over and over.
P.P.S.- Do you recall that “conspiracy theory” about the global sex slave network with heads of state and billionaires involved? Well, just this week an interview on the PBD Podcast with a woman who was sold into it by her mother when she was SIX YEARS OLD and wrote a tell all book dropped the names of David Rockefeller, Pierre Trudeau, Jacob Rothschild, and a former Prime Minister of Belgium as being pedophiles and/or using her to run “honey traps” on politicians, dignitaries, royalty, captains of industry, etc. YUP! That happened!
While they keep you distracted with what Trump said taken out of context this week, The Far Left that is controlled by The Deep State more than any global cabal in existence will try to sweep the global sex trade/pedophilia network under the rug before the ones still living are exposed as well.
Until the Clintons are dead, the Obamas stop pulling the strings, and Pelosi and Schumer are in the hole too, I’ll never vote for another Democrat above the local level. By this summer, most of you will want to leave the Democrat Party as I did several years ago when more of the “unveiling” and “revealing” from this Great Awakening accelerates. Well, maybe you’ll still be arguing about foxes eating cats after hearing Whoopi Goldberg saying it happens.
Amen Joe. And Jeffrey Epstein died by his own hands in jail. Riiiiight.
Since you mentioned Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein’s relationship to Israeli Intelligence parallels David Rockefeller’s work with the O.S.S. in World War II. Those two knew how to manipulate entire political systems through blackmail and control with what they respectively learned from being around those organizations and also enjoyed indulging themselves with the poor female victims they cultivated. They all had a “list” just like Diddy had. It’s only a matter of time before more comes out. Hollywood and the music industry which have donated much, much more to Democrat campaigns than Republican throughout the past few decades are horribly corrupt, compromised, and complicit and the chickens are finally coming home to roost for these once shining American industries. They have very little luster left as you already know, and others who have been in the dark for far too long are finally finding out. The Far Left has infiltrated and tried to control all the once great institutions in America, or simply tried to weaken or dismantle them. The military, the university system, The Fourth Estate, law enforcement organizations including the FBI, ICE, and the DHS are just a few. They’ve ruefully tried to make sexuality, pronouns, and race institutions and failed miserably at that and are now wondering why they got such a butt-kicking in the last election. Including locally here where the flaming liberal who was in charge of the Roper-Robinson Campaign in Belmar is probably still wondering why they didn’t get a “Trump bump” in their vote count to put them “over the top” in what was supposed to be a “close race” according to them. Only an NDE or an Ayahuasca Ritual will ever bring folks like that out of their hivemind fog. It’s sad really as Johanna is a great person who could have ran her own campaign and done so much better as an Independent removed from the drama of the self-proclaimed movers and shakers of the Belmar Democrats attempting to virtue signal to the majority of us awakened, working class, locally swing voting folks from their high and mighty perches over on Inlet Terrace. We’re wiser, we’re more united, wholly more informed, and we’ll decide every damn election in this town going forward regardless of what is taking place on the national front. Somehow they didn’t learn that from the 2022 sweep of the Republicans who tried the same weak play. That makes their loss this year even more pathetic than simply 400 plus votes!
Yo Joe. Foxes do in fact kill and eat cats. Not all the time but they do.
I knew Joe was an expert on foxes and everything else!
No Tom. I’m a seeker and more specifically a researcher. I seek out the subject matter experts and that’s how I gather the facts. I know that me being correct probably hurts your ego as you can’t escape your conditioned views and feelings because they go against the “tribe” you belong to. This is the “programming” I referred to. Thanks for emphasizing it with an immediate example in your sarcastic reply.
If you did the research I do four to six hours a day, you too would live a more enlightened life where you’re not afraid and have the confidence to use your last name on a local blog. π Once again, on the entire Internet, there isn’t one single video of a full grown housecat getting killed by a fox.
That’s pretty compelling considering all the wildlife videographers in the world, fox experts, and folks with smartphone cameras worldwide. Your triggered one sentence response is even more compelling. LOL!
Have a rotten 2025. I mean that respectfully as folks like yourself deserve it. Why? Because you’ll manifest it, but you’ll blame it on someone else instead of facing the facts and making the necessary changes and improving on your existence of being out of touch and misinformed; Much like the Far Left branch of the National Democrat Machine is now doing. π
Happy ******* New Year Tomnonymous!
Ha! Maybe you should get a job instead of being a keyboard baby for 6 hours a day!
(A Community Facebook Page like Lake Como, Belmar, West Belmar Residents doesn’t administer itself, Editor.)
No Tom. I’m a man with one pension, one part-time job for benefits, my own business, and two other positions I volunteer at. Luckily I researched investments through subject matter experts as well so I only have to work three days a week and can pursue my true passion which is writing and researching.
Not only are you the baby, because you hide behind your anonymity, you’re ignorant and presumptuous because you haven’t done any research on me before trying to insult me.
Once again, just go away. You’re embarrassing yourself again with your lack of facts and resorting to weak insults with no basis in truth because you’re obviously not a truthful individual. Actually, I guess you truly aren’t embarrassing yourself because you’re still anonymous . π
What’s worse, a “keyboard baby” or a keyboard coward? C’mon, even you may be bright enough to know the answer to that one Tomnonymous. π
(I’m at 700 Main Street most weekday afternoons if any real men here ever want to come by and introduce themselves; I’m also in the furthest chair back towards the left corner of the room at practically every Belmar Mayor and Council Meeting if a neutral site is your preference, or 10am until 11:30am lecturing every Sunday at the Belmar Public Library on Particle Physics, Quantum Theory, The Schumann Resonance, and The Unified Field if you prefer a quieter place.)
Tom …not was but IS
the last time I saw a fox in Belmar … it had crushed pizza box in the mouth.
At least you saw one Eugene.