See below. FB, Twitter, Tick Tock, and all the other vapid self aggrandizing filled societal wastelands (yes they are all the same) are private companies. They can, and often do, remove certain posts. Even the creepy weirdo that runs Twits (or X because it’s sooo cool) censors speech. The first amendment applies to the government AND it is limited in scope. “You can’t yell fire in a crowded movie theater” being the most famous SCOTUS limit on free speech. All social media companies can censor speech that is violent or potentially dangerous. Or, like in Mr Musk’s case, if they simply don’t like what’s being said. It isn’t illegal. You are owed nothing by these platforms because you can simply log off. Frankly, I can’t recommend this enough because it seems to be rotting brains and turning this country into ******.
Again, it’s disturbing how many self proclaimed “patriots”’ don’t know diddly about the constitution.
Free speech applies to the government. Private entities can, and often do, decide what they will or won’t publish or sell. It’s a common misconception. A shocking number a flag waving hate mongers know embarrassingly little about the constitution.
Congratulations to Councilwomen Kinney on her reelection and Rondinardo as council president.
I guess Levis will have to get new shirts made.
Harrah, no more political free speech censoring per Zuck commenting to Joe Rogan. No more Minders spanking commenters on FB or Twit (X).
See below. FB, Twitter, Tick Tock, and all the other vapid self aggrandizing filled societal wastelands (yes they are all the same) are private companies. They can, and often do, remove certain posts. Even the creepy weirdo that runs Twits (or X because it’s sooo cool) censors speech. The first amendment applies to the government AND it is limited in scope. “You can’t yell fire in a crowded movie theater” being the most famous SCOTUS limit on free speech. All social media companies can censor speech that is violent or potentially dangerous. Or, like in Mr Musk’s case, if they simply don’t like what’s being said. It isn’t illegal. You are owed nothing by these platforms because you can simply log off. Frankly, I can’t recommend this enough because it seems to be rotting brains and turning this country into ******.
Again, it’s disturbing how many self proclaimed “patriots”’ don’t know diddly about the constitution.
(Asterisks are mine, Editor.)
Let’s hope it applies to this blog too!
Free speech applies to the government. Private entities can, and often do, decide what they will or won’t publish or sell. It’s a common misconception. A shocking number a flag waving hate mongers know embarrassingly little about the constitution.