
  1. So someone is supposed to rent the place for only 6 months and then leave all their fixtures and equipment?

  2. #1 … all outfit kitchen fixtures and equipment became Borough property at the end of the MM lease … MM was compensated for those costs by paying reduced rent for a period of time?

  3. #3 yes all the permanent fixtures placed. electric, plumbing, hood. The discount was for the hood, electric and plumbing.

    The cooking equipment could be theirs to take pursuant to the lease.

  4. I think it makes sense to only have a seasonal rental for that space. Thats what was there before and is what’s at 10th. No one in their right mind would sign a year round lease there. Mm did because they thought they would have exclusive rights the best weekends to cater those big weddings. That didn’t work out so well for them nor the taxpayers of Belmar

  5. I believe they already advertised at the old 100G rent so no bidders – its late in the Season so a
    One year 40G tenant good idea for Borough and Tenant – then the Borough can try to get bigger rent next year in a longer term deal – smart move by Council

  6. So if this building cost us $4M to build, $40k a year rent will take 100 years to pay it off.(not including interest). Can someone out there please tell me how this makes sense? I know I’m old and the math they teach now-a-days is a little different so I guess it’s only appropriate that we pay this off for our great-great children to enjoy…. in the year 2121 (if man is still alive). Some legacy huh?

  7. Remember it was Matt Doherty that conned the Belmar Taxpayers into spending 6.5 Million in the 2 pavilions telling us that FEMA would pay for them – never happened and now we are on the hook – there is no amount of revenue that concession can generate to pay for them btw we can’t even use beach funds to pay for them either so everyone needs to think long and hard about putting a Doherty backed candidate on Council this fall or in any future election

  8. Belmar would be lucky to collect enough rent to pay utility bills and keep the pipes from freezing.

    Both pavilions are energy pigs.

  9. #9- Mr. Blaster, do you consider Jerry Buccafusco a Doherty backed candidate? If yes, please explain your thinking.

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