I appreciate the offer but you don’t need to show me a ‘thing or two’. You can directly contact the mayor or any council person and ask questions via email. Your fingers seem to work just fine. Or just keep shouting at the wind, it’s certainly easier than doing the work of the genuinely curious.
If you attend the meeting and ask questions Mayor Jerry says he doesn’t know or gets angry. He does not like to be questioned and never has the answers. Then he says to email and guess what you email and he doesn’t answer that either. He has got to go.
Would like to know description of account numbers.
Attend the meeting.
I can’t. Too old to move. Thirty years ago I would show you a thing or two. I’m smart but can’t move.
I appreciate the offer but you don’t need to show me a ‘thing or two’. You can directly contact the mayor or any council person and ask questions via email. Your fingers seem to work just fine. Or just keep shouting at the wind, it’s certainly easier than doing the work of the genuinely curious.
If you attend the meeting and ask questions Mayor Jerry says he doesn’t know or gets angry. He does not like to be questioned and never has the answers. Then he says to email and guess what you email and he doesn’t answer that either. He has got to go.