
  1. Omg! The new mayor of Bradley Al Gubotosi should be recalled imminently. Have they not learned a thing about how Doherty and his administration ruined Belmar and how we are still reeling from his ******* ****. Every job he was given **** *** **** ** *** ****** he has lost. He’s just an unemployed Democrat that needs a job. Kind of just like the present BA of Belmar.
    (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  2. The worst pick ever. He ruined Belmar and almost Atlantic City. I feel sorry for Bradley Beach. They are in for a long horrible time. Fire a competent woman and hire this “has been” Completely irresponsible. Just Horrible

  3. This guy is a has been. Why bring this guy in? However I’m sure the people of Belmar will thank you. Just a damn shame. The council was hell bent on getting rid of Meredith.

  4. But he was so… QUALIFIED for this and every other job he has gotten since a failed run for freeholder. I guess that sacrifice goes a long way. Look at the last few failed democratic freeholder/county commissioner candidates: Sue Fulton- actually got Matt’s MVC job that he couldn’t pass the background check for and then left for a nice federal position; former LC Mayor Brian Wilton who became counsel to the governor and then General Counsel to NJTransit; and Ray Santiago- former FREEHOLD TWP politico who became County Prosecutor. Oh yeah, and Matt who has now risen to the rank of Bradley Beach Borough Administrator after being unceremoniously deposed in Atlantic City. I guess in some cases, losing pays.

    For the editor- ALL of this is public record in the press.

        1. Wrong. NY hates the Trump man and will do mostly anything to embarrass him. Hold onto your hats. Trump is a coming like a bat out of hell.

          1. The election was between a babbling idiot and a total liar. The total liar won – America lost.

          2. Hahaha. Well that’s accurate. I too believe he’s coming out from hell.
            Here’s my prediction of his ‘plans’ and we can revisit in two years:

            Mass deportation- nope
            Ending Ukraine war- nope
            Building a wall and having Mexico pay- nope and nope
            Being Greenland- nope
            Wrecking the economy- yes, that I still believe he is capable of.
            Having a very public falling out with Elon- yes, and it will be super funny.

            Let’s come back in two years and see if I’m right.

      1. Not really. Your party is headed by the felon in chief. Democrats call out their own while you guys just keep making excuses and re elect them .

        1. Right ***. Why go from one blabbering idiot to another, And by the way the biggest lie of 2024 was “I’m not going to pardon my son”.

          (Asterisks in place of name are mine, Editor.)

          1. Anonymous,
            Speaking of “********** ******”, Matt should be sent out to LA as an expert consultant on firefighting.

            (Astericks are mine, Editor.)

          2. Well, in fairness if I was in the same position I would’ve pardoned my son (or daughter) too. So would you. So would anyone really. Except, oddly enough, Trump. Well he’d pardon Ivanka, is that the daughter? And maybe the youngest. But he wouldn’t pardon the weird perpetually sweaty evil twins Eric and Junior. And he certainly wouldn’t pardon the one from his second marriage. It’s so hard to keep track, and even harder hard to take a guy seriously who has five kids from three different baby mommas.
            Imagine if Obama had five kids from three different women?!? Omg Fox News would talk about nothing else. Close you eyes and imagine if Barack Obama had five kids from three different wives, multiple bankruptcies, dodged the draft, was a convicted felon, and had 26 separate accusations of sexual harassment. Hahahaha. The entirety of the right wing media establishment would have an aneurism.
            The hypocrisy that has taken root in the country is beyond comprehension. A strange, racist, angry, incoherent, opportunistic, and *** ****** cult leader has been elected POTUS. God help us.

            (Asterisks are mine, Editor.)

  5. I wonder if (Deleted by Editor) is still pulling strings to keep him employed. Because he is otherwise unemployable.

  6. It’s Howdy Doherty time!
    It’s Howdy Doherty time!
    Bradley Beach ain’t fine;
    Get prepared for crime,
    ‘Cause it’s Howdy Doherty time…

  7. Are there no necessary qualifications to be a boro administrator? Isn’t some kind of experience required?
    What on earth is happening in Bradley? Were they unaware of his activities as mayor? Have they not seen the plastic pavilion? Do they not know about his attempts to turn all of Ocean Ave into an area in need of redevelopment??! His PILOT scams? His attempt to change the law so he could run for freeholder? Port a poddy gate? The helicopter incident? The sea food fest catastrophe? The conflicts of interest, the missing cash cards, the election law violations, and on and on.

    Attention Bradley Beach residents: go to a meeting and make your voices heard or you will also be paying for his mistakes for decades to come.

    (He is technically acting BA, not officially BA.)

  8. A professional Headhunter is needed at the gazillion dollars beach towns. The respective elected Councils could/would then be guided by a modicum of expertise and not just **** ************* **********(s)!

    (Astericks are mine, Editor.)

  9. He’ll get another state job when Fulop gets in. (Deleted by Editor.) Another high paying Director of nothing job. This state needs a serious DGE audit

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