
  1. #1-hahaha good one! Smells like someone is feeling a little heat! Wonder if he will be wearing his parka and mittens

  2. #3 yea let’s elect a guy who wants to ban abortions and thinks Trump won the last election. Totally stable.

  3. Maybe that’s because unlike the Rutgers Football team, Bernie has never committed credit card fraud? Or perhaps it’s because he doesn’t cost the state so much money? Who knows.

  4. Highest property taxes in USA and Vermont Bernie was summoned to get the impressionable and unemployed vote out?

  5. Brandon is purporting to offer $450k for each 5500 illegals who may have been brought into our Country by paid Coyotes, thus breaking our border laws and Constitution.

    Military Compensation for loss of Life during Active Duty, $450000.

  6. #7 Here’s an idea, try to imagine how much you would think is fair if your children were taken from you. I know, I know, you’re gonna say “BUT THEY BROKE THE LAW BY COMING HERE!!!!” True. No try to imagine what you would do to keep you children safe. Would you risk everything? I would. Would you give a rats ass about the immigration laws of the country you’re desperately trying to get you family in to? I wouldn’t. Neither would you. How about you save your phony indignation for when one dollar is paid out. The truth is $450 is the max and most families will see either nothing or significantly less. And since it’s money your upset about, how do you feel about the Sackler family? You know the owners of Purdue pharma who cost the tax payers (that’s you and me) of this country hundreds of billions of dollars by knowingly creating an opioid epidemic. An epidemic that ravaged members of our military. They ones who got away Scott free by pretending they’re bankrupt. THAT your ok with? Probably because they’re not brown, and images of them aren’t plastered on your cable news TV screen 24/7. Might be time to redirect some of that hatred.

  7. Hey, HYPOCRISIES, or whatever other name you have been going by on this blog (it’s so obvious). Take your crap back to California where you may have a more receptive audience. So far your party in charge has been a complete disaster. Oh, and don’t forget to blame Trump for every poor decision you have been FORCED to make.

  8. Hey anonymous- impressive deflection (it’s so obvious). Avoid the subject matter and ignore the hypocrisy. I would too if I were you. Take your c**p to Texas or Alaf*****nBama where your m******, narrow minded, shallow, backwards ideas are welcome. You’re the one in the wrong state. You’re worshiping a sore loser. The sorest loser this country has ever seen. A silver spoon, Manhattan elite socialite who has never worked an honest day in his life and was a democrat up until about 6 years ago. Hahahahahaha. That’s your guy. Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave. Never seen such worshiping of false idols. But, carry on. It’s kinda funny.

  9. #11 How do you type when your fingers are jammed in your ears while shouting, LAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAHLAH!!! Must be hard ignoring the pesky facts that keep entering your bubble.

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