
    1. He had a good run. It’s not every day you can grab public space for your private business. Who does he think he is, Merry Makers? Or a right wing western cattle rancher?

  1. most Belmar eateries are using the public right of way for customer seating … can’t blame local government for the mess … Gov Murphy signed executive order during the pandemic to encourage sidewalk dining.

    1. Fauci – Sir, the “pandemic” never was. It was just a drill to see how far they could push the stupid sheeple and inject them with a toxic substance that is now killing them .

      1. Yes, it was a masterful plan hatched by all the governments of the entire world, who put aside their geopolitical differences, working in perfect harmony to shut down nearly all economic activity, convince the entire population, using the world’s medical establishment as willing pawns, that there was a new type of infection that can be deadly. This incredibly well orchestrated con was conceived of and executed in order to see if all the various forms of governments in all the countries on the planet could get their citizens to stop going out to dinner and eventually accept a precautionary vaccine that was designed to slowly kill them. Destroying their own economies was a small price to pay in order to see if there was a way to possibly see if they could maybe get people to, you know, follow rules. The overly complicated plan also had to make sure everyone was on board due to the fact that there were elections all over the globe during the fake pandemic and the newly elected folks needed to be in on the scam. This well choreographed and outrageously complicated plan, performed by a government that on most days can’t agree on what color pens to use, worked like a charm and now all the governments in all the countries know that, if they want to, they can do this again.
        It’s all so obvious.

  2. Unrelated. A recent news story showed a cruise ship pulled into NY harbor with a dead whale stuck to its bow. Gross.

    Cruise ships kill whales. Period. All cruise ships need to be stopped!!! I am so sick of these politicians pushing their cruise ship agenda down our throats!!! Let’s rally! Let’s put signs on our lawns and bumper stickers on our cars! If anyone disagrees that maybe cruise ships don’t kill whales, that maybe the whale died from some other reason, they’re lying!!!! Come on gang, are you with me?

    1. It was town wide porch fest. There were many Belmar porches involved. It is a great showcase for local artists around town. Are you against that kind of thing?

      1. Why would you think I’m against it? I’m sure it was fun! You must be a pessimist, everything’s negative. Get a grip.

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