Belmar Planning Board – May 20, 2024

Eastport Development Approved,
the break has been edited out.


  1. The Mayor was spot on. St. Rose had the opportunity to alleviate this chaos and traffic with using their vacant lot on 8th and Main for some off street parking for their teachers/staff. Instead they sold it for the $. They have now placed the burden on the town to police that area during drop off and pickup and turned normally two way streets into DO NOT ENTER streets with their makeshift 2×4 made signs that they wheel out onto the street. St. Rose should be reimbursing the town for all the public spots their teachers and students utilize along with the price for policing. They had the ability to fix the situation but instead opted to sell.

    1. All true.
      But the church as a whole has had some high profile legal expenses, so money was needed.

      1. The mayor is blowing smoke as usual. There has always been cops outside st rose. The same way there are cops at Belmar School.

        Does the mayor hate Christians?

        1. Hahaha. Wow! What a stretch. Hahahahahahahahaha. The snowflakes are still falling this time of year. St Rose clogs up the entire neighborhood with traffic and parking students. Stop being so sensitive. It’s not about police, it’s about the fact that they had a very large parking lot and SOLD it. Thus clogging up the streets. The PUBLIC’s streets. BES has a parking lot.

          1. Using your logic. If BES has a parking lot then we don’t need police there. Since it comes from tax payer money, right?

            Funny, the same complaint was being made about the firehouse near belmar school. So now belmar school does not clog the roads but only St Rose does? Strange how that works.

          2. I’ll try to type more slowly. St Rose HAD a land lot that they could’ve used as a parking lot. Instead, they chose to sell it for money (the root of all evil). So, as a result, all the faculty of those TWO schools and the students for the HS park all over the neighborhood. Leaving no spots for the folks that happen to live in that neighborhood. Additionally the grammar school turns a two way street into a one way street for drop off and pick up.
            The Belmar grammar school (there for over century) does not turn any two way roads into one way roads. And it has a parking lot for staff.
            IF the BES sold off the parking lot and the fields between 12th and 13th for a profit, creating a situation where the staff had to park all over the neighborhood AND turned Main Street into a one way street for drop off and pick up? Then yes, it would be the same as St Rose. Only, it’s not.

            This is about logistics and use of public services, period. It’s not about religion (I get that folks are desperate to make it about religion to muddy the waters, but it’s not). It’d be like comparing frustration with the public services used by DJais with being against dance music.
            It’s purposeful ignorance.

        2. St Rose was private last I checked. I at least hope they are paying for the police officers which are paid for out of Belmar Resident property tax.

    2. Redevelopment is the root of Belmar evil … St Rose purchased the corner property AFTER Belmar zoned it a redevelopment area and the mayor said the church’s money was as green as anybody’s … St Rose has been paying Belmar property taxes for the corner lot since … many years.

      If St Rose developed the corner property for campus parking, it would be tax exempt.

      Belmar redevelopment was just a bad idea.

      1. Mr Creamer, you are correct. St Rose and the Trenton Diocese purchased the properties at 8th and Main and had ambitious plans for Expansion of the High School. A Performance Arts Center, new Larger Gym, additional Classrooms etc. were discussed. Dropping enrollment and increased cost put this on the back burner.
        The town and I believe Mayor Pringle negotiated a property tax in the interim since it was sitting idle and not being used as a school. Part of the negotiation was no parking lot and i believe a parking lot was not permitted in that zone on Main St.
        New developers are proposing apts/condos with variances, naturally. They are in Seaport Redevelopmen zone and please, for once, build to what is permitted.

        1. They wouldn’t permit a parking lot? When they allow dozens of variances for all other projects? Boy have times changed.

          St Rose should pay for any cops they use, they shouldn’t be allowed to change the direction of the street, and they should pay the town to use the municipal gym as their school gym. How that was allowed to happen I’ll never know. Yes, I know they pay to have it polished every so often. Not enough.

  2. No students in BES drive and park all over town within a 5 block radius like at St Rose. Again, St Rose is private and I hope police service is not being provided without some sort of compensation from St Rose. BES is a public school. When you rely on public services to police a Private business or in this case School, you should not get those public services for free. That’s all I am saying.

  3. Not for nuthin, but when I was a boy, the students were the crossing guards. No policemen and adults. Also, why are there police at fourway lights? Can’t the kids cross on the directions of the light like any else?

    1. Back when you went to school grown adults weren’t driving around staring at their phones. Doing the important work of looking at someone’s vapid, idiotic, self serving social media post instead of paying attention while rolling along in a five thousand pound SUV.
      These kids (some of whom are 4 years old) would be in serious trouble without a crossing guard. Also, Main Street is a busy street.
      What can I tell you, times change. We live in a society that cares more about a make believe, status obsessed, digital fairyland than the here and the now.

      1. Bravo. Just keep TikTokking away people. This country is toast. Get used to eating rice every meal as China feasts on filet mignon.

        1. This has nothing to do with China. TikTok is just one of the hundreds of millions of Chinese products we consume in the US. If you’re so concerned about China, stop buying products that are made there. I think you’ll find it nearly impossible thanks to our never ending quest for a bargain. China’s economy is about two thirds the size of ours (their economy has actually shrunk in the last few years). So you can relax about China. Besides, we have much bigger problems in the geopolitical realm. Russia, N Korea, the Middle East, Haiti, etc.

          I’m talking about Twitter, FB, TikTok, Instagram, etc. They are all rotting society from within in order to make a buck. They are destroying the mental health of our children, and turning the road ways into a deadly game of distracted bumper cars.
          Thus the need for crossing guards.

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