On the Belmar First Aid Facebook Page – July 16, 2021

Click the letter to access the Belmar First Aid Facebook Page.


  1. I really could care less who did what to who. That building could have been donated to the borough to begin with and none of this would be happening.

  2. People, who the hell would want the combination of 3 fire houses and a first aid squad in the middle of their neighborhood ?!!! That’s insane. Sirens day and night. Stupid idea. Take the old Salt location or the Belmar Arts building.

  3. #4 All 3 firehouses and first aid building have lived comfortably with their neighbors for 100 years. The use of a siren is to alert traffic to yield to an emergency vehicle. If there’s no traffic then the use of the siren is not necessary. Unlike the guys in the yellow fire trucks who lean steadily on their horn and siren no matter what.

  4. I have not signed a Belmar Petition in long time and thought those days were over. Where is the harm in permitting Belmar residents the opportunity to cast a vote/collectively make a decision on an issue that’s obviously divisive and questionably responsive to the best interest of the town and residents. If it’s not too late I’d like to sign the petition.

  5. I am so tired of hearing about this issue. If bfas tears down the building this will obviate the whole issue with the town. Then someone can come in and build four story condos. Conversation over.

  6. #5 I don’t think you can expect Hines to give away the property to the town. Would you give away your property to the town? I certainly wouldn’t. It’s an asset and I would sell it for the best price I could get. I don’t thinks it’s fair to expect anyone to donate their property to the town. The problem I believe stems from the town threatening to use eminent domain to assert their exclusive right to buy the property. Not a great idea.
    The officials of this town have showed over and over again how bad they are at managing things. The $1.5 mil will be just the beginning. It won’t be long before it is operating in the deep deep red. Plus the property is in a flood zone. Not a great place to keep life saving equip.
    In any event, asking for the issue to be on the ballot in November is not too much to ask.

  7. #11 I totally agree with you and for the people who think that the first aid owes us something how about what we owe them for showing up at our houses at all times of night and day losing sleep on work nights being away from their families on holidays, special occasions and just interrupting their home life just because you slipped them $20 bucks a year you think they owe us and to top it all off some jerk o throws Lake Como into the mix. In a nutshell they don’t owe us jack we owe them, man up and buy or let someone put three lovely houses in a flood zone

  8. # 16. The condition of the BFAS deed restriction seems unreasonable. Lift that restriction and make the sale.
    As far as the money, if you think that a town will never have to raise or spend money I don’t know how you survive.
    What a difference of opinion here.
    I believe the borough is doing a great job with my tax dollars. I see roads being paved, sewer lines repaired, movies back up at the beach, playgrounds with new equipment that was reasonable in price, the water tank getting ready to be painted, the water sewer situation being addressed, l and k street flooding from sewers solved, businesses moving in to town, the marina slips almost fully rented, McClearie park tennis and pickle ball courts, the pavilion that was purchased under prior administration put up and being utilized, past debt consolidated so we are paying off principal on our debt, our debt reduced and a zero budget increase this year.
    So we have a disagreement.

  9. #19 they took out a mortgage right before they knew they were closing the shop for good? Where is that money?

  10. #19, #20 Stop the lying. The BFAS took out their most recent mortgage on 8/23/2019 in the amount of $250,000. That loan was used to pay for the purchase of a new ambulance and related equipment and expenses. The BFAS paid off that mortgage with the proceeds of the sale to the Borough on 4/1/2021 of their two ambulances, captain’s vehicle, and related equipment.

  11. 12th and 15th within two and a half years with mostly grant money pretty good in my book.
    I could be wrong but the sewage coming up from a broken pump was fixed no? Of course there may be more work to be done.
    Tennis courts and pickle ball had nothing to the with previous admin
    As far a referendum if enough voters sign petition to force it. I will vote yes to purchase. In that we can agree

  12. By bidding, you agree to the deed restrictions – stop complaining. If the Admin didn’t like the terms they should not have bid.

  13. Under what Rock? Really? You can do better than that lol.
    So giving out left and right jobs is really one job. Hummm
    Your very testy. And mean spirited.
    The President reference makes no sense what so ever. So besides chuckling: no comment. Some kinda proof of that would be nice.
    And this years tax rate in Belmar is held steady soooooo that clears that up for me.

  14. #31 The town should say that our taxes are holding steady while decreasing our debt. They didn’t. So without knowing debt amount your joy of zero tax increase is a below average accurate statement. Same holds true for the idiot in the white house.

  15. BFAS should have donated the building months ago. Consolidating fire and EMS in 1 location is a great idea. The sirens don’t go off constantly (luckily!) so it will not be a great imposition to the neighbors at the BFAS location.
    BFAS is being ridiculous and greedy – BFAS is a non-profit entity so whatever money they make must go to another non-profit entity – and what is the purpose of that?? We’ve already paid them for their rigs and equipment.
    As for a referendum, that also costs money and is an unnecessary expense. Consolidation is the efficient way to go. Let’s do it and move on to a real issue already.

  16. And how much is BFAS paying for legal services?? Talk about unnecessary expenses…advise them to donate the building to the town and end this.

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