
  1. So Mr. Ammermuller wants to know what on his block on 12th Avenue is preventing redevelopment??????????? He says his block is different than any other block in Belmar because it is stuck in the 70’s what is different about 12th avenue—- ummmm the Belmar Inn.

    He is asking now for the Borough to help clean up 12th Avenue after he screamed about redevelopment on Thursday night.

    Which is it Artie??????

  2. So, these characters rammed through the new skatepark swindle. Hold on to your seats – you ain’t seen nothin yet.

  3. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Thank BRANDON for Cost escalations!
    Where are the Fundraisers for the three (3) town Skatepark located in Belmar? Political hacks afraid of exposure?

  4. Instead of joining up with the folks who pushed for the park they do it behind closed doors. Didn’t even invite them to the meeting to see the plan. Pretty shady. But that’s how these guys roll.

  5. Professional queries are needed first so as to not mislead the public. Heightened awareness and because of liability issues the microscope is large. Bottom line is to protect your kid rather than quickly indulging them. Did it ever occur to the populous that no one is rushing to erect a skate board park in Avon, Spring Lake or Wall Township? Answers please.

  6. Sure are Damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t. Now y’all want an invitation to a council meeting? How about reading the agenda?
    Y’all were told they were working on plans for a skatepark and now ya ain’t happy.
    Love that comment about liability, anyone thought about that?
    Bunch a sour scared grapes. The mayor heard we want a skatepark, and now he’s buying votes smh

  7. I don’t get it. For months people have been complaining they want the skateboard park back. This administration listened and are bringing it back. Now the same people that wanted it are complaining. Give me a break! People will complain about anything!

  8. #8 – Why do you care what those other towns are doing or not doing about a skate park? This is about a/the Belmar skate park.
    #9 – “y-all” – Whatt’a some sort of southern hillbilly rebel”
    #10 – They’re not bringing anything back. They’re spending money for another park altogether. There was/is nothing wrong with the existing park. They just wanted to ******* the taxpayers. That’s why we’re beefing.

  9. #10,11,12 Totally! Under Walsifer, my property taxes went up 27%, ridiculously large developments projects are going up all over town, we’re starting to look like long branch, the bars still run the town, the first aid debacle is costing us a fortune, and there is as much graft and cronyism as the last admin. Winning!
    I guess if you just ignore reality, life really is better. Yay team!

  10. Rationalize a Skateboarding Park run by the County of Monmouth, it’s an election year, they may just bite that hook!

  11. “Hey, can we call one of our South Florida developer cronies fast. We have a public relations fiasco up here in New Jersey. This time we need a quick plan for a skatepark because we’re railroading a development through on 12th Avenue that 90% of the residents are opposed to and now they owe us a BIG favor. This way when the townspeople show up with pitchforks and torches at the next council meeting after the zoning board vote we can look like we’re caring heroes. BWAHAHAHA!!”

    Nobody showed up because most have given up on this administration and can finally see that the 1% and the corporations run Belmar now, just like on the national level. Poor Mr. Kirschenbaum. Nobody saw your moment in the sun, you ego-driven, attention w#@re.
    Maybe our next three warm bodies coming in this January will listen to the residents and not establish their own banana republic. Even better, rumor has it that they’ll bring back non-partisan politics to our small town that now unfortunately desperately wants to be a city under the current kooks. Then maybe we can actually stop playing the cowboys and Indians gridlock game of “we’re in charge here” rhetoric like they do in Washington, D.C., Freehold, and Jersey City. The two party system is a failure folks and if you’re worried about defense spending, abortion rights, and gun control in a local election, you’re misguided. Especially when you have an administration that claims to be Republican and has only expanded the government’s role in our lives.

  12. #18 Bravo. If you carry your national party affiliations into this town’s local elections, you are voting against your own interests. Vote for the person. Maybe that person is Walsifer. But do not pull the lever simply because of blind party loyalty. It’s one of this country’s biggest problems.

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